• UPDATE FROM TUESDAY 5/5/20.  Hi everybody.  Today I offered a zoom session that focused on breaking down the DBQ rubric.  I encouraged zoom participates to complete the practice DBQ (which can be found under "Documents; Practice Exam & Modified 2020 Rubric") before tomorrow's (5/6/20) zoom session so we could go over the exam step by step.  That said, I've decided to postpone going over the exam with the hope that waiting will allow more student the opportunity to complete the practice exam.  I will still be available for any question and/or clarifications during our scheduled zoom session.  Also, I encourage all students to email me their DBQ response so I can provide individual consults and scores.

The countdown has begun!  Remember, your exam is Friday, May 15th @11:00 am (though you will login and begin the pre-exam portion at 10:30 am).  You should have received an email from CollegeBoard sometime today that listed all exams you are scheduled to take... as well as, additional information and links about the process.  If you haven't already done so, please make sure to try the "exam day demo" in order to assure yourself there will be no issues logging in the day of the exam.  https://ap2020examdemo.collegeboard.org/

This week we will be meeting twice:
TUESDAY-- Our Tuesday zoom session will begin at 2:30.  The objective of this session is to review in detail (again) the revised 2020 DBQ Rubric.  Make sure you're ready with any questions or points of clarification.

Rubric Link: https://apcentral.collegeboard.org/pdf/ap-history-rubric-2020-dbq.pdf

Zoom Meeting Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7695064761?pwd=VFp1RFY2bVM0OTBrSkQ3R002KytRdz09

Meeting ID: 769 506 4761
Password: 206839
WEDNESDAY -- Our Wednesday zoom session will begin at 2:30.  The objective of this session is to review a (completed) practice DBQ. This is an edited, 5 document, version of last year's AP Exam.  The practice exam can be found in the document section at the bottom of this website.  Click on Practice exam and rubrics.
  • Note: This session has been changed to a Q & A session for anything you may have questions or concerns about.  Please remember to complete your practice DBQ as soon as possible and submit to me via email.
Zoom Meeting Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7695064761?pwd=VFp1RFY2bVM0OTBrSkQ3R002KytRdz09

Meeting ID: 769 506 4761
Password: 206839
Updates 5/4/20 (Week 8) imageUpdates 5/4/20 (Week 8) image